Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a wedding crasher...
Well, not quite literally. I, in no way, resemble those acts of Mr. Owen Wilson and Mr. Vince Vaughn as portrayed in the cinematic adventure of Wedding Crashers. Rather, I resemble the actions of the little brother Todd who sneaks around trying to go unnoticed.
The golf club where I will be getting married has two weddings nearly every weekend during "wedding season." So, I have taken it upon myself to head on over there and take a stroll around the course seeing if I can catch a glimpse of what brides before me have done with the place!
So far, I have been quite inspired! The first time I did this I brought my mother along...bad idea! She was so worried that we were going to get "caught admiring" someone else's wedding that she nearly peed her pants when anyone spoke near us fearing that they were going to ask us to leave! I do want to mention however though, that neither of these instances have included going into the room where the reception was going to take place. I was just admiring from afar or through a window while the ceremony was going on somewhere else on the course.
As I was saying, these visits have been quite inspiring. One bride decided to spruce up the traditional white linens by adding colored squares to the center. I loved this idea and it will be much more cost effective than renting colored linens! So, my mother and I hit up the local fabric store where we proceeded to buy approximately 8 yards of different patterned fabrics that will be cut into 24 squares and placed on the center of the tables!~ Depending on what type of fabric you buy will effect the cost. For my 8 yards it came to about $60 total.
More wedding crashing ideas to come soon!